[Ginger GM]
- Killer French Defence -
(2 DVD)
Simon Williams
To win without risk is to triumph without glory.
In this, Simon will guide you through Black’s part in the French Defence. Simon’s frank, clear and understandable delivery of material of which he has extensive knowledge certainly aids the viewer in increasing their understanding of these opening lines. Simon’s first DVD has been internationally acclaimed as setting new standards in this format for his clear approach to delivering sometimes complex material. Chapters are broken up through chess-related montages maintaining a viewing interest from start to finish. This feature is a standalone product running on all platforms and requiring no additional software.
This is a two-part DVD, each part has a running time of roughly 5 hours:
- DVD 1 covers The Advance Variation and Tarrasch Variation.
- DVD 2 covers The Winawer Variation, Exchange Variation, Kings Indian Attack and Any Other Possibilities.
<DVD Contents>
1st DVD: The Advance Variation and Tarrash Variation

Chapter 1: Introduction
1: DVD Introduction
2: Introductory Game: L.Ljubojevic-M.Gurevich
3: Basic Strategic Ideas: Part 1. …c5 and ..f6 plus others
4: Basic Strategic Ideas: Part 2. The light squared bishop dance.
Chapter 2: The French Defence: Advance Variation
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: A.Shabalov-A.Shirov
3: 2nd Introductory Game: A.Grischuk-N.Short
4: Theory A: 5…Bd7 6 a3?! Too Slow!
5: Theory B: 5…Bd7 6 Be2 Better but Black is still ok!
6: Theory C: Early Deviations from White
Chapter 3: The French Defence: Tarrash Variation with 3…Nf6: White plays 5 f4: Black replies with an early …a5: The Most Dangerous Plan.
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: V.Hansen-D.Buzmann
3: 2nd Introductory Game: B.Mongontuul-Y.Benitah
4: Theory A: 8…a5!? a-pawn Battering ram!
5: Theory B: White avoids playing c3.
Chapter 4: The French Defence: Tarrash Variation with 3…Nf6: White plays 5 Bd3 and 7 Ne2: The Most Popular Choice.
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: J.Emms-S.Williams
3: 2nd Introductory Game: A.Persson-E.Berg
4: Theory A: 11…Qc7 12 Bg5 0-0 13 Bh4 Still popular after all these years
5: Theory B: 11…Qc7 12 Bg5 0-0 13 Rc1 The modern concern
6: Theory C: 11…Qc7 12 g3 Please let me swap off dark square bishops!
7: Theory D: 9 Nf4!? Greedy and Dangerous
8: Theory E: Early Deviations from White
Chapter 5: The French Defence: Tarrash Variation with 3…Nf6: The Universal System: 7 Ngf3 Be7 8 0-0 a5!
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: G.Botta-S.Williams
3: 2nd Introductory Game: S.Erenburg-S.Williams
4: Theory A: 8…a5 9 a4 Safe and solid
5: Theory B: 8…a5 9 Re1 Fun and Games!
Chapter 6: Conclusion
2nd DVD: The French Winawer, Exchange Variation, Kings Indian Attack and any other Possibilities

Chapter 1: Introduction
1: DVD Introduction
Chapter 2: The French Winawer: Various 4th Move Alternatives for White
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: J.Hector-E.Berg
3: 2nd Introductory Game: O.Brendel-A.Jussupow
4: Theory A: 4 Nge2 Non-critical but tricky
5: Theory B: 4 exd5 Simplifying matters
6: Theory C: Any Other Possibilities that White might try
Chapter 3: The French Winawer: Various 5th Move Alternatives for White
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: J.Hector-P.Nikolic
3: 2nd Introductory Game: M.Manik-A.Jussupow
4: Theory A: 5 Bd2 b6 Whip those bishops off!
5: Theory B: 5 Qg4 Pressure on g7!
6: Theory C: Any Other Possibilities that White might try
Chapter 4: The French Winawer: White Avoids 7 Qg4: 7 Nf3, 7 a4 and 7 h4!?
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: C.Briscoe-S.Williams
3: 2nd Introductory Game: A.Morozevich-S.Lputian
4: Theory A: 7 Nf3 The most popular choice
5: Theory B: 7 a4 Probing on the queenside
6: Theory C: 7 h4!? Attacking the dark squares.
Chapter 5: The French Winawer: The Main Line 7 Qg4: 12…d4!? New and Interesting
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: T.Callstri-D.Bunzmann
3: 2nd Introductory Game: J.Palkovi-F.Portisch
4: Theory A: 15 Rg1 The only chance at gaining an advantage
5: Theory B: 15 Rb1 Promising for Black
6: Theory C: 13 Ng3 Black should be happy!
7: Theory D: Any Other Possibilities that White might try
Chapter 6: The French Exchange Variation
1: Introduction
2: Introductory Game: S.Tatal-V.Kortschnoi
3: Theory A: 4 Bd3
4: Theory B: 4 Nf3
5: Theory C: 4 c4!? The most aggressive variation.
Chapter 7: The Kings Indian Attack (Black plays with …d5 …c5 and …g6)
1: Introduction
2: Introductory Game: A.Stripunsky-G.Kaidanov
3: Theory: 5…g6!?
Chapter 8: Other Possibilities that White might try, Wing Gambit etc
1: Introduction
2: 1st Introductory Game: I.Schneider-M.Ulibin and Theory to 2 Nf3 and then 3 Nc3
3: 2nd Introductory Game: E.Paehtz-N.Zhuhova and Theory to 2 b3
4: Theory C: The Wing Gambit: 4 b4!?
5: Theory D: Any Other Possibilities that White might try: 3 Bd3 and 3 Be3
Chapter 9: Conclusion
Rp. 25.000,-
(2 DVD)
(2 DVD)
(Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
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