NALIMOV Tablebases

Endgame Turbo 3
The DVD Endgame Turbo consists of 9 DVDs with endgame databases (Nalimov Tablebases). With the help of the Endgame Turbo, all five- and 12 six-piece endgames (including the sophisticated and practice-oriented endgame R, P, P - R) are played with absolute perfection. Likewise, Fritz handles endgames with more than six pieces much better since the program can already access the endgame knowledge during the analysis. Definitely a must-have for correspondence players, endgame theoreticians and friends of engine matches.
DVDs 1-3 contain all five-piece endgames with 3 against 2 pieces, DVD 5 contains some five-piece endgames with 4 against 1. Six-piece endgames are included on the DVDs 2 to 9. The endgame QPP - Q does not fit on a single DVD and has therefore been split onto DVD 5 to 9.
DVD 1: All endgames with 3 and 4 pieces as well as all five-piece endgames with 3 against 2 pieces (except the five-piece endgames contained on the DVDs 2 and 3).
DVD 5: RB-NN, QPP-Q (parts), QPP-, BPP-, NPP-, PPP-, RPP-.
DVD 6: RP-RP, QPP-Q (parts).
DVD 7: QP-QP, QPP-Q (parts).
DVD 8: PPP-Q, PPP-B, PPP-P, QPP-Q (parts).
DVD 9: PPP-R, PPP-N, QPP-Q (parts).
System requirements: Pentium II, Win98 SE, Win 2000, Win XP, 64 MB RAM, 300 MHz, DVD drive, Fritz8/9 or ChessBase 8.0/9.0, 20 GB free hard disk space (minimum), 43 GB free hard disk space (recommended)
Untuk Panduan Cara Instalasi & Setting, Silakan kunjungi Situs Resmi Chessbase sbb:
Rp. 100.000,-
(9 DVD)
(Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Cara Pemesanan:
- Transfer ke BCA 837-0014-991 a/n. Willy Sutanto. (Bank lain lihat di INFO).
- Konfirmasi Transfer via SMS ke 0812-6060-5050.
- SMS Judul / Produk yang Anda pesan.
- Pengiriman dilakukan setiap hari kerja melalui jasa TIKI atau PT. Pos Indonesia.
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