Multi-Processor 32/64 Bit
Premium Packages:
*Chessbase 12*
*Player Database 2013*
*Correspondence Database 2013*
*Mega Database 2013*
Multi-Processor 32/64 Bit
Premium Packages:
*Chessbase 12*
*Player Database 2013*
*Correspondence Database 2013*
*Mega Database 2013*

ChessBase 12 is even better now – a lot of functions are easier to use, but most important: there are fantastic new possibilities to help you analyse and search for relevant games.
* With ChessBase 12 and an analysis engine you have access to the world of Cloud Computing. Analyse critical positions with the help of the best computers one can find out here. Or use the Let's Check function to retrieve previous analyses and evaluations.
* Use ChessBase 12 and your analysis engine to create a dynamic analysis tree with several engines running at the same time.
* You need only one click to discover the previous games of the two players engaged in the current game to find out more about the history of a game.
* Find the most relevant examples by the best players of every endgame with "Similar endgames" and learn how to play endgames correctly.
* Find an intelligent selection of games with certain pawn structures and manoeuvres with "Similar structure" or "Similar moves". Thus you learn the right strategy from the best players in the world, or you can find out when to play certain sacrifices – all at a click of the mouse.
* Find an intelligent selection of games with certain pawn structures and manoeuvres with "Similar structure" or "Similar moves". Thus you learn the right strategy from the best players in the world, or you can find out when to play certain sacrifices – all at a click of the mouse.
Better analysis
* Let's Check access is now part of the ChessBase program, including a new analysis function. The Fritz 13 Engine Cloud has been developed further: several board windows can be analysing in parallel, each with its own cloud engine, without any loss of performance.
* Deep analysis of positions: the program endlessly analyses a position and generates an analysis tree for the best candidate moves and replies. This represents a considerable advance compared to even the deep position analysis in Fritz.
* Cloud analysis: deep analysis of a single position with several engines from different computers running in parallel. To date, this is the most lavish, the most efficient and the most precise of all analytical options in ChessBase or Fritz.
* Deep analysis of positions: the program endlessly analyses a position and generates an analysis tree for the best candidate moves and replies. This represents a considerable advance compared to even the deep position analysis in Fritz.
* Cloud analysis: deep analysis of a single position with several engines from different computers running in parallel. To date, this is the most lavish, the most efficient and the most precise of all analytical options in ChessBase or Fritz.
* Let's Check analysis in abbreviated form with mistakes and combinations.
* Human-like comments: the latest strong GM games usually appear in Let's Check with complete analysis on the very next day. With this analysis, which takes only seconds to retrieve, possible errors and combinations are provided with brief notes in the style of a human annotator.
Improved search options:
* Search for similar endgames: With just one click you get all comparable endgames from your main database classified according to similarity.
* Search for similar middlegame structures A single click will show you all comparable pawn structures from your main database, classified according to their similarity to the position in the game. The program recognises related positioning of pieces (rooks on open files, a queen and bishop on the same diagonal, the position of the kings).
* Search for similar moves -With a single click you can find the same manoeuvre in a similar pawn structure. The result is classified according to the level of similarity to the starting position.
* It shows all previous games in this opening by the players: games by the players against one another or against other opponents, with the same colour or with the opposite one, all classified according to the level of similarity with the original game. It makes use of the most recent games from the online database.
* Search for similar middlegame structures A single click will show you all comparable pawn structures from your main database, classified according to their similarity to the position in the game. The program recognises related positioning of pieces (rooks on open files, a queen and bishop on the same diagonal, the position of the kings).
* Search for similar moves -With a single click you can find the same manoeuvre in a similar pawn structure. The result is classified according to the level of similarity to the starting position.
* It shows all previous games in this opening by the players: games by the players against one another or against other opponents, with the same colour or with the opposite one, all classified according to the level of similarity with the original game. It makes use of the most recent games from the online database.
Improved technology:
* Optional 64Bit-Version: on computers with more than 4 GB databases can be stored completely in the main memory during a search. Faster access to your databases.
* Very fast search on up-to-date multi-processor systems.
* New engine dialogue and optimised CPU-management: with name, symbol and author. The default number of CPUs is selected in such a way that an engine can no longer bring the whole computer grinding to a halt.
If desired, automatic updates: updates are effectively offered by the program.
* Very fast search on up-to-date multi-processor systems.
* New engine dialogue and optimised CPU-management: with name, symbol and author. The default number of CPUs is selected in such a way that an engine can no longer bring the whole computer grinding to a halt.
If desired, automatic updates: updates are effectively offered by the program.
Intelligent collecting of games
* All small PGN downloads from the Internet are collected in a single database. In addition databases from the "TEMP" folder are no longer automatically displayed as symbols in "My databases". Such databases are, for example, the result of the opening of e-mails.
Intelligent publication of games
* One-click publication of one or more games on the web. Optional "Share link" for Facebook.
Intelligent Media window
* The Chess Media window gets a new look: a better layout for larger video presentations. It allows you to move from chapter to chapter while streaming.
Intelligent access
* Double click on the quick board: easy loading of games from the quick board (the board which appears in the games list). A double click on a move in the notation loads the game on to a normal board at exactly the same position.
* After leaving the playchess server, either the list of games you watched or played shows up automatically, according to what you were doing last. Thus one of your own games, e.g., can be analysed at once.
* The player encyclopaedia is now online. That saves spaces and allows the editing team to implement changes quickly.
* After leaving the playchess server, either the list of games you watched or played shows up automatically, according to what you were doing last. Thus one of your own games, e.g., can be analysed at once.
* The player encyclopaedia is now online. That saves spaces and allows the editing team to implement changes quickly.
Better visual appearance
* Improved texture for wooden boards: the textures teak, babinga, pine and weathered have been refreshed.
* New look for the ribbon bar: "File" tab to replace the "Application menu".
* New look for the ribbon bar: "File" tab to replace the "Application menu".
Harga Rp. 35.000,-
(Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim)
Cara Pemesanan:
- Transfer ke BCA 837-0014-991 a/n. Willy Sutanto. (Bank lain lihat di INFO).
- Konfirmasi Transfer via SMS ke 0812-6060-5050.
- SMS Produk yang Anda pesan.
- Pengiriman dilakukan setiap hari kerja melalui jasa TIKI atau PT. Pos Indonesia.
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